How to use virtual assessment platforms

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Overview of the topic:

With the continued shift towards cloud-based, online solutions within training and assessment, there is an ever-growing range of options to consider, when putting your programs together and identifying how best to prove that learners have met the requirements. 

This webinar seeks to shed some light on common and emerging platforms (both free and fee-based) relating to assessing learners in virtual settings and will provide suggestions on how these could be used within the VET environment. This includes looking at options for managing student submissions and providing feedback; identifying mechanisms for conducting verification and authenticity checks; exploring platforms for assessing and recording live student performance; highlighting how smart devices could be used to capture evidence; and reviewing how virtual reality tools, voice recognition and artificial intelligence algorithms could be integrated into the assessment process. These options will also be grounded within an RTO compliance context.

Key Outcomes:

  • Describe common and emerging options to integrate into practice 
  • Identify benefits and pitfalls of using virtual assessment platforms
  • Discuss how different virtual assessment platforms could be used to strengthen assessment practice
  • Identify virtual assessment platforms that could complement RTO assessment systems.